USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and Fast Forward Charter High School are extending free breakfast and lunch from September 14th, 2020 through the end of December 2020.

For more information, please read the following announcement.

Legal Notice:

To the students of Fast Forward Charter High School during the 2016-2017 school year.

Fast Forward will be shredding the 2016-2017 cumulative folders and school records on Thursday, June

25, 2020. If you want to have your cumulative file please come to the school and pick up these records.

The school is open Monday-Thursday from 9:00am- 2:00pm.

Congratulations to the class of 2020!! Graduation this year will be broadcasted live on our YouTube channel. It will feature student and faulty speakers, the senior video and a live stream of the students receiving their diploma.

Click on this link to watch it live.

Join us for this year’s Arts Ambassador Capstone Event.  The event will be broadcasted live on our YouTube Channel Wednesday, May 20th at 7:00pm – Click here to view the event.

To Fast Forward Parents, Students and Staff,
Fast Forward wants the school’s community to be aware that we continue to make student safety a top priority. With the recent developments regarding the COVID-19 Virus (Coronavirus) , we want our parents, students and staff to know we are addressing the issue. We do have a plan in place to respond to the pandemic. 
Fast Forward is monitoring the progress of the virus very closely. We are working with Bear River Health Department, the Governor’s Office and the Utah Health Department to determine what steps need to be taken to best promote the health and safety of the students and staff. Should we need to close the school building that information will be shared using the same channels used for communicating snow days, attendance and general school community news (email, text, recorded phone messages, website update).  Should the need arise to close the school, we are looking into different electronic schooling options.
The administration of Fast Forward also wants to stress the importance for students and staff to stay home when they are showing any signs or symptoms of being contagious. To prevent the spread of disease, students should not attend school when they are sick. The following signs and symptoms may indicate that a person has a contagious illness:
1) temperature of 100 degrees or higher2) vomiting within the past 24 hours3) diarrhea within the past 24 hours4) uncontrollable cough within the past 24 hours5) unexpected shortness of breath6) unexplained body rashes with itching or fever7) presence of lice or unexplained itching of the scalp8) suspected eye infection, including red, itching and/or drainage
All students and staff are expected to practice preventative actions as well . This includes proper hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces. Our faculty is focusing on keeping our school clean and sanitary.
Again, we will closely be monitoring the situation and sending updates and making changes as necessary.
We are enforcing what Governor Herbert has recommended that no crowds of 100 or more congregate.  So we will be postponing our Fast Forward Prom that was scheduled for Friday, March 13th.   We want to thank our parents, students and staff for their cooperation moving forward. Should you have any questions, please reach out to our office staff at 435-713-4255.
Jill LoweDirector/PrincipalFast Forward High School

The Carson Smith Special Needs Scholarship Program (CSS) is a parent choice model for Utah residents that provides tuition assistance for eligible special needs students enrolled in eligible private schools. The scholarship is for students who would qualify for special education and related services in public schools, preschool through 12th grade (3‐21 years of age), whose parents choose an eligible private school. Together, Local Education Agencies (LEAs), CSS eligible private schools, and parents determine special education eligibility through a process guided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); the same requirements for special education services in public schools. Visit to learn more.

Fast Forward Charter High School – The Little School with a Big Heart!– is hosting a 4k Fun Run on Friday, May 4th to raise money to purchase a school bus!

The race will begin in the ICON parking lot on 10th West at 9am.  Total mileage is 2.50 miles! Prizes for the top 3 runners will be given!

Sign up below by donating $15 to our race. Make sure under “Donor Name” that you leave your name and your shirt size.  Every paying runner will receive a shirt! On the morning of the race, please arrive 1/2 hour early to pick up your shirt. This table will be in the back parking lot of ICON. If you are a mom and want to walk with a stroller – please do! All runners 12 and up need to pay the $15 fee to run. Please help this great cause and join us in having some fun!