What is CTE?
- Career and Technical Education provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value.
At Fast Forward we focus on the following –
Students receive industry standard training through hand-on learning with industry standard equipment.
Students can become certified in each specific CTE course by passing all class standards and end of term CTE Test, both with an 80% or higher.
- Students can become career ready by completing a pathway. Career Pathways show students a direct connection between doing well in high school and being able to transition smoothly to postsecondary opportunities or getting a good job when they graduate.
CTE Career Clusters and Courses Offered
Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications
- 3D Graphics
- Commercial Art I
- Commercial Art II
- Commercial Photography I
- Commercial Photography II
- Digital Audio I
- Digital Audio II
- Digital Media I
- Digital Media II
- Sewing Construction and Textiles I
- Sewing Construction and Textiles II
- TV Broadcasting I
- TV Broadcasting II
- Video Production I
- Video Production II
- CTE Internships
- Apprenticeship
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- Animal Science I
- Animal Science II
- Food and Nutrition
- Dietetics and Nutrition I
- CTE Internships
- Apprenticeship
Architecture and Construction
- Interior Design I
- Interior Design II
- CTE Internships
- Apprenticeship
Human Services
- Individual and Family Relationships
- CTE Internships
- Apprenticeship
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
- Criminal Justice, Intro
- Law Enforcement
- CTE Internships
- Apprenticeship
Pathways Offered at Fast Forward
CTE Teachers